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Malvolia’s Halloween Special

Some characters are just way too good to write about once and Malvolia, Queen of Screams is just one of those who deserves some extra time in print. The horror hostess who's just as interested in deadly cocktails and horror films as she is in selecting her next victim has been making a name for herself in the horror community with a combination of fiendish wit and dark charm that continue to draw in fans. Portrayed by character and series creator Jennifer Nangle, Malvolia finds an infinite amount of pleasure in taking advantage of us pitiful mortals on the surface. But what happens when those same mortals try to take advantage of her?

The episode begins like so many in this ongoing horror-comedy series with some fourth wall breaking dialogue and a bit of wicked plotting between Malvolia and her friend and special guest Bloody Sheri. Sheri is the oft forgotten sister of the child murdering urban legend wraith Bloody Mary. A letter delivered to Malvolia’s door invites her to a party at a filmmaker’s home with promises of a chance to not only be in pictures, but to select a victim of her choosing from the guests in attendance. Thinking it'll be a scream she sets off with Bloody Sheri to celebrate Halloween night in the most wicked place they can imagine: Hollywood.

The rest of the episode is filmed mockumentary style as a desperate filmmaker, a clueless boy toy, out of touch actress, and clingy Malvolia super fan come together to further their own causes while trying to ride the undead maven’s coattails to fame and fortune. Of course, fans of the show can quickly guess how badly this is going to go for these mortals. I could tell you more but why spoil the surprise?

The Halloween episode is a perfect example of everything that's great about Malvolia. The ability to take the character and make her more than just another Elvira cloned eye candy introduction to a film is what sets her apart from any other horror host you'll see online. A character that can be seductive, charming, funny, and frightening all in the span of an 18 minute long story takes a lot of talent. I wouldn't be surprised to find the character appearing in more narrative tales of terror in the next few years, putting the laughter back in to slaughter.

The other great thing about Malvolia, Queen of Screams is the ensemble cast that is forming around her. Bloody Sheri, the child devouring lush with family issues and Victor, the demonic butler/bartender in Malvolia’s service help to shape a larger story, a kind of mythos around the character. If you haven't been watching her on YouTube then you're missing out on some of the most fiendishly phenomenal horror online. The Halloween Special is up now and you should check out the other great episodes right here on her YouTube channel.

Malvolia is always making that scary and she's always looking for new victims...I mean, followers online.

Dan Lee is a horror fiend and freelance writer with a special place in his heart for monster movies and demonic possession stories.

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