PSA Uses Horror to Get People to Buckle-up

Let’s be honest, public service announcements rarely strike terror into anyone. Not to say that it’s never happened; there was, a few years ago, an anti-drinking ad that featured a mutated, Tim Burton-esq bunny that still gives me the chills. However, South Africa has picked up the baton, revved the engine and taken this PSA to a new level of horror. The Western Cape department of Transportation and Public Works has released a road safety campaign titled “The first Kiss.”
'Horrific crashes plague our roads.” Western Cape MEC, Donald Grant said. "Vehicle occupants continue to constitute the majority of all road deaths in the Western Cape. Research has shown that increased seatbelt compliance will mean thousands of lives saved, that would have otherwise been lost, in the horrific crashes that plague our roads.”
(Warning: this is Graphic but you're on a horror website so you can get over it)
Grant continues: “The First Kiss' commercial has been localized to reflect Western Cape and South African circumstances, and the focus has been shifted from the crash to the people involved."
Ususllay, when I see teenagers and this much blood there's a man in a mask with a machete not far off; however this ad’s focus is on realism. "Local companies provided all services. Real traffic officers, Forensic Pathology technicians, Emergency Medical Technicians and firemen took part in the making of the advertisement."
Are these ads effective?
The campaign is based and The Irish Department of the Environment and was credited in having brought about a 100% increase in backseat seatbelt use, and 50% increase in front seat wearing rates in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Needless to say, some find it too graphic, but I say a little fake blood is better than the real thing.