We Are Indie Horror Film Festival- The Event We've Been Waiting For

Do you love independent film? What about short form horror? Would you like to attend twelve different film festivals over the course of ten days all in one location? Well, fright fans, we’ve got some exciting news to share with you. ProCo Production Company and We Are Indie Horror have teamed up with Action on Film to bring us the first ever We Are Independent Horror Film Festival. A part of the week and a half long celebration at MEGAfest, this indie horror film festival promises to be one of a kind. The festival is being hosted by cadaverous ghoul Unman Dane and the deadline for film submissions is April 30th with a late deadline of May 31st and a final, extended deadline of June 24th. But, you know, it’s definitely best to be punctual and they’re encouraging everyone to get their submissions in as soon as possible. We Are Indie Horror will be happening happening at The Palms Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada August 23 through 26th.
Now, let me tell you why this is important and why you need to get excited.
Independent film, especially independent horror, is changing the genre and film landscapes for the better. In the last five years alone independent films have been getting the big screen treatment with several making their way to big studios where they’re becoming major motion pictures. Films like Wyrmwood and Cargo that made their original runs as independently made horror shorts on the festival circuit have become full length features and, in the case of Wyrmwood, a TV series. Just this month, the creators of Alfred J. Hemlock announced that their incredible movie was heading into production soon as a feature. Independent film brings new ideas and new life into what has felt like a stagnant pool over the last few years.
Indie films also give rise to some of the most talented writers, directors, producers, actors, effects artists...this list is going to go on a while. People who would otherwise be outsiders trapped on the periphery of the film industry are making noise and getting the recognition they deserve for their work and dedication to their craft. Indie horror is also an extremely close knit but inviting community that welcomes the experimental and the new and won’t cast aside a good idea or a good creator just because their first attempt wasn’t a commercial success.
Independent film, the sort you’re going to see on screen at We Are Indie Horror, is what this genre and its devotees are craving and what the industry desperately needs. Check out the announcement trailer below and be sure to check online and here at 52 Weeks of Horror for updates leading up to this unique film experience.
Interested in Submitting to We Are Indie Horror Film Festival? Go to www.FilmFreeway.com/WAIHFF and submit today!
Also, check out these other related links:
MEGAfest: www.ActionOnFilmFest.com/MEGAfest
PROco PROduction coMPANY: www.PROcoPROductioncoMPANY.com
Dan Lee is a film critic, editorialist, independent author, and horror culture correspondent from Tennessee. You can also follow him on social media @dotdblog