Terror Trek - To Boldly Go Into 80's Horror
Space, the final frontier. As a kid there was nothing better than hearing those words as the Enterprise slowly filled my TV screen. I am...

Small Town Monsters Brings Terror In The Skies to DVD & VOD June 7th
Small Town Monsters has announced the nationwide Digital HD and DVD release of Terror in the Skies. Director Seth Breedlove explores...

Winterskin - A Scary Story Hidden Beneath its Own Marketing
Trapped inside with a crazed killer or alone in the wilderness with a monster? That’s the root conflict behind Winterskin, the new film...

Velocipastor: Jurassic Priest vs Ninjas...Need I Say More?
A man of the cloth turns Jurassic in Wild Eye Releasing’s THE VELOCIPASTOR – coming later this year from the reputable genre label! ...

The Whistler Invites Old Fears and New Ideas
Fairy tales used to be scary. Hell, that was the whole point of them. Stories like Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, or The...

Beautiful - The Slit Mouthed Woman Comes to Culver City
"Tangled in the web of dreams and reality, a homicide detective must fight against the evil spirit from an old Japanese urban legend to...

Festival of Arts Announces Return of Pageant of the MONSTERS
Resurrecting at the Festival of Arts this Halloween Season October 26, 27, 28, and 31 WHAT: Just when you thought it was safe to go...

Celebrating and Supporting the Women in Horror Film Festival
The Georgia heat is surprisingly bearable as I belly up to the bar on the roof of Grindhouse Killer Burgers in Decatur. The humidity is...

Typical summer activities generally include outdoor BBQs, trips to the beach, and taking dips in swimming pools, but Godzilla fans may...

Making Monsters With Robin Fuqua
To call Robin Fuqua “skilled” would be an insult to the massive store of talent that this particular Woman in Horror possesses. With over...