Trailer Parked
I tend to have a big problem with movie trailers these days. Often times, they’re showing too much; twists and reveals shown to us before...

Release: February 2017 Directors: Andy Mitton, Jesse Holland Screenplay: Andy Mitton Cast: Clark Freeman, Annette O’Toole, Giovanna...

'The Autopsy of Jane Doe' Takes on a Gruesome Perspective
I’m not one to issue warnings about the things I write, especially on websites dealing in horror fiction aimed at an audience that craves...

Why Green Room’s Amber is the Horror Heroine We Need
A light in the darkness, a beacon to show the way. A perfect visual metaphor for her character as a whole. In horror cinema, the...

Review: Yoga Hosers Hits Netflix! *Spoilers*
It’s finally happened Scare Makers! I have finally watched Yoga Hosers thanks to its recent release on Netflix. And may I start off by...

Review: Mexico Barbaro (2014)
I’m a huge fan of just about any horror anthology. From Tales from the Darkside to VHS, Creepshow or All Hallows Eve, I absolutely love...

Blair Witch: A Proper Sequel But Similar To The Original
It was the summer of 1999 and I walked into the theater to watch a movie that, I was sure was fiction, though for a while beforehand No...