Gruß vom Krampus!
Gruß von Krampus, meine Freunde! Krampusnacht, the Night of Krampus, is December 5th. For those of you unfamiliar with Krampus, he is a...

Scary Christmas!
I’m all about making memories during the holidays. The fact that most of those memories could be considered traumatizing or deranged is...

What’s New On Shudder: December 2016
Horror fans have plenty to be joyful about this holiday season, especially if Shudder is streaming in the household. While other...

5 Etsy Gifts For Your Horror Fan
Gift giving is not the easiest thing in the world; it’s even harder around the holidays. To make things worse, there’s always that one...

Christmas Horror Films To Get You Through The Holidays
I don’t know about you, but as soon as Thanksgiving is over, I like to break the horror hiatus I took after October 31st. I whip up a...