Vincente DiSanti Tells Us to Never Hike in the Snow
Friday the 13th is one of those horror franchises that is so beloved by fans and so bafflingly mismanaged by studios that we haven't seen...

Defy Film Festival Returns to Music City
A world class independent short film festival... in Nashville? They're not exactly two concepts that immediately seem to fit together....

Boo Heads to Atlanta for Dragon Con
Rakefet Abergel has become a master storyteller in her films and, with Boo's unique twist, she'll have horror fans cheering.

Is Anywhere Safe for Horror on Social Media?
We have created our best friend and most dangerous enemy in social media.

Terror Trek - To Boldly Go Into 80's Horror
Space, the final frontier. As a kid there was nothing better than hearing those words as the Enterprise slowly filled my TV screen. I am...

Winterskin - A Scary Story Hidden Beneath its Own Marketing
Trapped inside with a crazed killer or alone in the wilderness with a monster? That’s the root conflict behind Winterskin, the new film...

Murder Puppets and Awkward Conversation in Francis Makes a Friend
You know things are going off the rails when a bizarre rabbit painting becomes and even more bizarre puppet and starts talking to you in...

Room for Rent Offers Heartache, Horror with Lin Shaye
Room for Rent is maybe one of the most uncomfortably real horror movies I've seen in a while. Tackling some honest and often unspoken...

A New Nightmare in the Skies from The Twilight Zone
Remakes are tricky things. On one hand, they feel totally uninspired, like rip offs being used to propel someone’s personal goals on the...

Scary Stories Documentary Captures Culture, Legacy of Alvin Schwartz
If you were a child of the late 80's and 90's your first experience into the world of horror may very well have come from the shelves of...