Rob Potchak Talks Junior High Horrors
Few things in life bring people together like childhood traumas and nothing says childhood trauma quite like Middle School. You’re going...

The Cult of the Carpet
If you were at Dragon Con this past weekend you no doubt noticed displays of a bizarre and intricate nature. From stickers and fliers to...

Tis the Season for Bleedin' at Dragon Con
Whether you choose to donate blood or plasma the important thing to keep in mind is that an hour of your time can literally save a life. So,

Count Drahoon's Feature of Fright - An Interview with a Vampire
Taylor Gentry is an unassuming looking young man when you first meet him. He’s a bit quiet at first with the sort of face you’d expect to...

A Short Trip Down a Long, Dark Alley - A Year of Alfred J. Hemlock
Almost a year ago I was aimlessly scrolling through Instagram when a picture caught my eye. He was thin and pale, scruffy but wild eyed...

Miguel Sagaz and the Cult of American Horror Story
I warn you now, American Horror Story fans, there are spoilers ahead so if you haven’t caught yourself up on the current season, don’t...

An Unorthodox Interview with Juan Gabriel Pareja
I want to start this off by both thanking Juan Gabriel Pareja as well as offering my sincere apologies. I made a few mistakes when it...

20 Seconds to Live: An Exclusive Interview
Have I told you how much I love short films? Especially horror-comedy short films? I’m pretty sure I have but I’m going to tell you again...

Horror House: An Exclusive Interview
Horror hosts are nothing new. They’ve been around since the dawn of television, haunting our sets with bizarre and intriguing ghouls who...

Bring Out Your Dead Part 3 : Updates On An Outbreak
I was drowning, in way over my head with no clue what to do. Potential sponsors wouldn't talk to me because I was nobody to them and my...