Tis the Season for Bleedin' at Dragon Con
Whether you choose to donate blood or plasma the important thing to keep in mind is that an hour of your time can literally save a life. So,

The Hidden Meaning Of Sex And Horror
Sex sells. Whenever I ask someone why horror movies are always populated by some of the most breathtakingly beautiful girls in the...

Writing Horror According To Lovecraft
Ever read a story and wonder, “how did they write that?” It seems like, for some horror authors they can just keep cranking out work and...

Learn About Zombies In 1 Minute
Zombies: the word itself conjures up images of hordes of the dead, walking towards a still living human in a mindless quest to eat them....

Cornell And University Of Queensland Offer A Course On Sharks For Free
There are moments in life that we look back on and realize how our lives were set on a different course. For me, it was the first time I...